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Media Freedom and Article 19
Media | Media Reforms Apr 09, 2013

Media Freedom and Article 19

The media in India enjoys a great deal of freedom and when it is threatened, the response is vociferous. Nevertheless, there is the need to maintain a balance between free expression and other community and individual rights; this responsibility should not be borne by the ...

China’s Aerospace Potential:Strengths and Prospects
Defence and Security | China Military Mar 11, 2013

China’s Aerospace Potential:Strengths and Prospects

Extraordinary events in geopolitics have redefined China's contemporary history: the breakup of Soviet Union; the end of Cold War; and China's realignment with Russia and the erstwhile states of the Soviet Union. ...

China's Space Strategy and Modernisation
Defence and Security | China Military Feb 20, 2013

China's Space Strategy and Modernisation

China has a space lab in orbit and it also plans to launch 100 satellites during its on-going five year plan from 2011-15. Twenty space craft will be launched this year including its third lunar probe and a manned space craft that will dock with ...

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges
Domestic Politics and Governance | National Politics | Law and Justice Feb 13, 2013

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges

The essence of any democratic system is the healthy functioning of political parties and consequently free and fair elections. Free and fair elections imply not only a legal institutional framework for the conduct of elections and a transparent electoral process. ...

India-Pakistan Relations after Mumbai Attacks
International Affairs | Neighbourhood | Indian Foreign Policy | Terrorism Sep 23, 2009

India-Pakistan Relations after Mumbai Attacks

The Paper makes a critical appraisal of India-Pakistan relations and explores their future trajectory in the aftermath of the Mumbai terrorist attack of November 2008. The rising tide of terrorism within Pakistan after 9/11 and the importance of South Asia to the United States made ...

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy | Defence and Security | Indian Defence May 28, 2009

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor

There is a fundamental transformation in the Japanese assessment of India's role in the shaping of new Asian security architecture. There has been a perceptible change in the nature of the bilateral partnership since the turn of the century. Rather than being centred on economic ...

India and the Economic Meltdown: Challenges and Possible Responses
Indian Economy | Economics and Finance | Economic Reforms | Financial Markets Apr 15, 2009

India and the Economic Meltdown: Challenges and Possible Responses

The financial crisis across the globe and the ensuing responses by nations and non-state actors has dominated both public consciousness and political debate in the recent past. The discussion on suitable stimulus packages, the causes for the financial disorder and future restructuring of the financial ...