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Telling China like it is about the South China Sea
Indian Ocean | Maritime Governance Architecture Aug 12, 2016

Telling China like it is about the South China Sea

Chinese government’s mouthpiece, warned New Delhi that its seemingly inimical posture on the South China Sea was potentially damaging for bilateral ties.

Rajapaksa camp’s increasing India-bashing
Neighbourhood | Indian Foreign Policy Aug 12, 2016

Rajapaksa camp’s increasing India-bashing

India-baiting has become a part and parcel of the Rajapaksa camp-led Joint Opposition’s political attacks and protests against the ruling Maithiri-Ranil duo.

US elections and the "Russian threat"
International Affairs Aug 11, 2016

US elections and the "Russian threat"

The “Russian threat” seems to have emerged as one of the principal foreign policy issues in the US elections, though this is not the first time that the Russian involvement in the elections has been hinted at.


Niranjan Sahoo

Niranjan Sahoo

Niranjan Sahoo, PhD, is a Senior Fellow with ORF’s Governance and Politics Initiative. With years of expertise in governance and public policy, he now anchors studies and programmes on democracy, human rights, federalism, electoral reforms (particularly issues related to political ...

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Niranjan Sahoo

Niranjan Sahoo, PhD, is a Senior Fellow with ORF’s Governance and Politics Initiative. With years of expertise in governance and public policy, he now anchors studies and programmes on democracy, human rights, federalism, electoral reforms (particularly issues related to political ...

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